Now that we have an official date and location for the Northwest Ohio Teen Book Festival we are starting to fill our Committees, and request Sponsors, and Authors for the Festival!
We will need to raise at least $5,000 to put on the festival. This will be used to help cover travel costs, lodging, meals, administrative costs, and publicity. We are committed to making the festival free for all attendees so we are also raising funds to cover the cost for schools to bus students to the festival. If you or your business are able to help Sponsor or Donate to the festival we would truly appreciate it. You can contact us at
We also will need a lot of volunteers to help put on a great event! We are currently looking to fill the following Committees:
- Fundraising
- Finances
- Programming
- Hospitality
- Activities
- Registration
- Raffles/Prizes/Gifts
- Volunteers
- Sponsor/Organization
- Social Media/Technology
- Author
- Sales
Click on a committee name to send us a message about your interest in helping out or with any questions you may have!
Finally, we are putting together a Teen Advisory Council to help us ensure that we are creating a worthwhile event for teens. If you are a teen that loves to read and would like to help bring authors into the area and put together worthwhile panels, email us at