Welcome to the Northwest Ohio Teen Book Fest website! This is our very first post to the page and we are so excited to see this come to light. The Northwest Teen Book Festival was an idea that Denise Phillips had and approached Tracey Roseman of Mom’s Mobile Mission, and Chelsea Bobulski, Perrysburg’s own Young Adult Author about. With Tracey’s help Mom’s Mobile Mission decided that partnering on a Teen Book Festival fit in with their mission to help families every step of the way and with Chelsea’s help we were able to generate over a dozen author leads for the festival! This all happened in just a couple weeks!
With the positive reaction from the community and authors, we contacted a few possible hosts for the event and Toledo Public Schools has come on-board to host the event in April of 2020! We are so fortunate to have a great school system willing to host the event and we can’t wait to provide more details about exactly where the event will take place!
The next step seemed obvious, putting together a website. The website will be our hub, where volunteers can sign up to help put on a fabulous Book Festival, questions about the Book Festival can be posted, authors and publishers can submit to participate, and we can share information as it becomes available!
It is hard not to write everything in one post, but we are going to leave it at that for now. We will share more soon, but in the meantime, feel free to ask questions in the comments, or share your ideas with us!